Allied Van Lines

Moving Companies Of Choice

Items To Part With When Trying To Avoid Extra Shipping Costs

As you get underway with your major move and begin to investigate long distance movers and the logistics of transporting your belongings, you may soon find out that it can be a lot more expensive than you ever expected. Since you’re most likely going to be getting rid of a variety of extraneous items in your home, there are some bigger problems looming if you decide to bring a few larger products along with you as well. Here are a few that you may reconsider bringing along with you.

Old Appliances
While it may seem feasible to bring along your trusty refrigerator or stove from your old home, they may not work with your next home’s interior design or will cost a bundle to ship. It may be wise to err on the side of caution, sell these items and put the money toward energy-efficient options instead.


Whether you have an old boat that you never got around to fixing or a car that is simply taking up space in your garage, embarking on a major move could be the perfect catalyst to unload a few possessions that you may not need in your next home.


Patio Furniture
Folding chairs, plastic furniture and other items that you use all summer long will simply take up space in your moving truck. These items can be replaced at a nominal cost and will help you reduce your shipping expenses.

How A Self Storage Bin Can Factor Into Your Moving Plans

Moving to a new home can be a very unpredictable experience and one that comes with its fair share of ups and downs. While there are some things you can control, such as finding the right long distance movers and planning an SPD_forkliftappropriate moving date, problems may arise as you try to transition into your new home. However, if you consider renting a storage bin before you move, you may be able to avoid a few of these issues.

Temporary Overflow
While you may think that you did your best to get rid of unwanted items and other belongings that won’t come with you to your next abode, you may have overestimated your packing abilities. A storage bin will give you the chance to store these extraneous items until you know what to do with them.

Seasonal Items
Those Christmas decorations or fall yard tools may not be at the top of your list of unpacking priorities, so these may be perfect items to put in self storage. As you break down the cardboard boxes in your home and find homes for your possessions, you can gradually move these items into your home.

Breathing Room
If you’re the kind of person who likes to take things sequentially in your unpacking process, a storage bin will allow you to go at your own pace or room-by-room and gradually incorporate your belongings into your abode.

Check out more storage and moving tips from Allied Van Lines on our YouTube Channel.

How To Give Your Kids Input In the Design Process Of Their Rooms

Now that you’ve made the decision to hire a moving company and transport your family to a different part of the country, a new home is a bit like a clean slate for your loved ones to work with. If your son or daughter will be moving out of a childhood room and into one of his or her own, you may want to give your child creative license to build the space from the ground up. Consider the following ways to help your child craft a room that can show off his or her personality.

???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Lend A Hand With Furniture
Because you’ll most likely be funding the furniture that will go into your child’s room, play an active role by bringing your son or daughter to furniture stores to find the perfect set that works with your kid’s ideal interior design. Look for options that will provide a wealth of storage space and style that can last as your child grows older.

Paint Color
Choosing the right paint color is a major decision, but you can always change it down the road if your child gets tired of it. Make sure to bring home a few paint samples to try out on the wall to see how the paint looks at different times of the day.

Take A Hands-Off Approach
With the major aspects of the room out of the way, let your son or daughter run wild with the rest of the pieces of décor in the space to get a fresh start in the new abode.

Find more tips for moving with kids from Allied Van Lines using our Family Moving Guide.

Three Easy Steps To Improve Your Home’s Curb Appeal

Before you decide to hire long distance movers and transport your family to a different part of the country, selling your current home is one of your top priorities. While you may have read all about home staging and how to impress prospective buyers when they first come in the door, how your home looks on the outside is also vitally important. Keep the following outdoor improvement techniques in mind to wow visitors before they even come inside.

Pictures_of_Houses1. Apply A New Coat Of Paint. Investing in a new paint job is just the thing to improve your home’s appearance, and it will give your house the fresh and clean look that buyers are looking for. Additionally, if your home utilizes aluminum siding, consider using a power washer to remove any built-up mold or other imperfections that could be detrimental to the look of your house as a whole.

2. Replace Your Old Hardware. Everything from the lights that surround your door to your house numbers are quick and easy improvements that will make a real difference for people touring your home, reports Better Homes and Gardens magazine. This can dramatically improve your home’s aesthetic and may give it a more modern appeal.

3. Hire A Landscaper. A professionally manicured lawn and a wealth of beautiful flower beds are sure to make a difference in your home’s outdoor presentation, suggests HGTV. A series of seasonal plants can show potential buyers that your home has been well-maintained and will stay that way for the foreseeable future.

Find more tips from Allied Van Lines using our Family Moving Guide.

How To Create A Home Gym In Your New Abode

With an abundance of space in your new house, your home is brimming with potential to serve a variety of needs for your family. With your interstate movers gone and most of your belongings unpacked, you may be wondering what you’re going to do with a spare room or empty basement. If you’ve developed an interest in physical fitness, skip the gym membership and consider creating an exercise room of your own. Here are a few features to consider when putting the room together.


Rubber Flooring
Adding a low-impact surface to your home gym will spare your joints from added stress during your workout and will last far longer than other forms of conventional flooring. This is also a great choice if you’ll be investing in large pieces of exercise equipment, as these products could leave marks on other types of exposed flooring.

Add A TV
One of the best ways to promote multitasking while you’re on the treadmill or doing floor exercises is by installing a television in your workout space. This will allow you to catch up on local news or watch your favorite shows while still fulfilling your fitness regimen. Make sure to install a TV with a swiveling wall mount so you can move the device to the optimal viewpoint during each of your exercises.

Let In Plenty Of Natural Light
If you have a bevy of windows in your space, use them to your advantage. Better Homes and Gardens magazine suggests installing light-filtering shades and blinds to provide extra motivation during your workout.

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